It has been observed that people of the working-age group (30-60 yrs) are at a high risk of lifestyle diseases. Unhealthy lifestyle changes, hereditary health diseases, and lack of sleep can cause many health problems ranging from minor to severe concerns. Getting a full-body check-up that includes tests for diabetes, cholesterol, Blood Pressure, heart disease can save your extra bucks in the long run.

On    11/08/2023 as a part of health checkup first 30 members visited polygarden lakkidi. Students  reached there around 10.00am. they welcomed us and we maintained a good rapport with them.

In beginning polygarden was started with 4 members by Fr. Paul. Now there is 120 members in polygarden. Only male members are there. polygarden is ecofriendly and good atmosphere. Staffs in polygarden are supportive and caring.

At 11.30pm we started health checkup including vital signs, height, weight, blood sugar; they are very cooperative with students around 1:30 we had our lunch and left from there and we reached college at 3.00pm .

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