Institution innovative council is to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses. Intellectual property rights are legal and institutional devices to protect creations of the mind such as inventions, works of art and literature, and designs. There is a growing interest in nursing in designing professional practice models that “work,” that is, models that promote benefit both to nurses and to the clients they serve. The concept of institutional innovations, is an idea which is not restrictive to private practice, it opens opportunitiesin all the institutions including nursing colleges that will benefit patients, hospital administrators, physicians, and nurses.

Nehru college of Nursing always make chances for the students to explore more in their field of interest along with the academics. To build up more Entrepreneurs from the field of Nursing , & to make the students aware about IIC & IPR   the I P R cell of NCN organized an introductory session on about “Intellectual property rights” on 27th April 2022 at 2.30 pm for the 1st year BSc Nursing students in the campus auditorium. Mrs. Anusweena Thomas welcomed the gathering & our beloved principal Dr. Kavitha mole P J had done the theme opening. Mrs Rose Jose Asst professor NCN was leading the talk on intellectual property rights. Ms. Zaina Elizabeth Jose Asso professor NCN expressed the token of gratitude. The innovative ideas developing ability is not strictly innate, but may be enhanced by experience and education like this sessions.  Nursing is moving into an exciting time, one in which the opportunities for innovation and satisfaction for both  nurses and clients are rapidly expanding.

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