Darjeeling – Gangtok – Kolkata Study Tour by Nehru School of Architecture
NSA’s Extended Design Studio at North-East India
Students of NSA had an opportunity to Visit & Study the North-East India covering Darjeeling – Gangtok – Kolkata for about 15 days as a part of their integral education program. While this tour provided a broad overview of architecture, it also supported the undergraduate architecture curriculum and inspired design excellence. Students had gained experience through site visits of great significance and studied historic and contemporary architecture which provided good exposure beyond classroom environment. This Study Tour was fused with the Architectural Design Studio in order to facilitate NSA students with opportunities to experience buildings in the context of Hill Town Development, to incite critical thinking, to have an understanding of cultural and historical values and sustained interest in the subject. This program enabled students to evaluate their works through observation and documentation that culminated in drawings, photographs, write ups, sketches, debates etc. factoring contour analysis, topography and climate responsive design, so on and so forth.
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